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Homeopathy is a scientific method of medical treatment which stimulates the body's own healing processes in order to cure illness.  Homeopathy is based upon the discovery that a substance can cure symptoms similar to those it can cause.


The word "homeopathy" is derived from the Greek "homoios" meaning similar and "pathos" meaning suffering. Illness is the expression of self-healing.  The afflicted organism attempts to regulate its function through the body'd greater defense system by activating detoxicification ans excretion.  Inflamation and fever are  not necessarily "bad" signs but rather serve to detoxify ans eliminate toxins.   Inflamation does not need to be supressed by antibiotics as this often provokes retoxification.  By suppression the illness is propelled towards dangerous retoxic cellular phases that manifests themselves as chronic or lingering diseases.


Homeopathic prescribing is based upon the principles of cure which were established by Samuel Hahnemann, that symptoms of illness may be cured by the administration of substnces which produce, in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those of the condition being treated.  The homeopath will assemble a list of all the patient's symptoms, including those of a physical, psychological and emotional nature. In view of the enormous number of homeopathic remedies available, study of the Materia Medicia is necessary for the practicioner to determine the exact single remedy that best matches the patients "picture".

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